Soulmates Traveling

A Cajun Haven Amidst The Hustle

Text and Photos by Dirk

 The foot traffic presses from all around as you move from gate to gate in the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.

Rolling baggage, screaming infants, tired parents, road warriors standing aloof… You dodge out of the flow of people, cut across the opposing current like a salmon swimming upstream, and pause briefly after pushing the button waiting to step into the sterile steel of the elevator car.

Pressing the down button the car descends gently to the lower level and what had been the back wall of the elevator car is now the door and slides slides open with a swish and a snick…

The vista displayed through the stainless steel portal offers a dramatic departure from the hustle and bustle on the level above and the stainless steel sterility of the elevator as you hesitatingly emerge into a warm high ceilinged room with wait staff abustle and a host stepping up to greet you with a smile as you step into the unexpectedly pleasant environment. Yep… You have arrived.

Welcome to Papadeaux’s Seafood Kitchen, DFW.

At your table your server, Michelle, in this reporters case, greets you, fetches what ever beverage you request from water to a Hurricane and everything in between while you endeavor to decide among a range of delicacies from Jumbalaya to seafood and shrimp gumbos, Lobster salad, Key Lime pie and many other signature appetizers, entree’s and deserts.

Subtly peppery, thick, and chock-ablock with fresh shrimp, mahi mahi, and, clams, the seafood gumbo engages the olfactory senses before the first spoon full ever reaches the tongue…and I must pause and savor subtle flavors. Truly a delicious opening. “What could be better than this?” one might ask. The answer comes suprisingly easy as the sautéd scallops now adorn the principal space between the silverware.

Firm fleshed, sautéd to perfection adorned with almonds and tangy capers the presentation is such that consumption seems almost sacreligious. As the with the subtle accents of butter, garlic, the large firm scallop seems to want to tantalize the pallet. Hoping to prolong the experience I endeavor to eat only small bits at a time. Yet even doing this results in a delicacy too soon gone from the plate.

Of course leaving the delectables with out the finishing touch… key-lime pie, well I simply couldn’t do it. Resolved to simply have a taste I got Michelle’s attention and ordered. Well one taste led to another and I suppose you can see how things ended up 😉

Let’s finish off with a disclaimer.
We have no relationship with any of the establishments or productions mentioned in this article. They are simply places we visited or stayed or reflected on or enjoyed during our self funded travels. We share them with our readers for informational/editorial purposes.

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