Soulmates Traveling

Wolf Adventure, Garden of the Gods Park, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Let’s start off with a disclaimer.
We have no relationship with any of the establishments or productions mentioned in this article. They are simply places we visited or stayed or reflected on or enjoyed during our self funded travels. We share them with our readers for informational/editorial purposes.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a dog fanatic and lover of wolves.

Judy and Spirit

When on a field trip with my high school class, I went under the railing, while no one was looking, to scratch a giant timber wolf’s hind end which he seemed to enjoy immensely. So began my love affair with wolves.

When our daughter told us about a wolf adventure tour in Colorado, I jumped at the chance to schedule a wolf walk and it all came together the morning of Friday, Feb. 2, 2018.


Peggy of Colorado Wolf Adventures was most accommodating and we met Friday morning at

Spirit and the Soulmates

9am in Parking Lot 16 of Garden of the Gods Park in Colorado Springs.

Spirit, the male wolf mix (a little malamute and mostly timberwolf) made a B-line for my husband Dirk who was sitting in a rented mobility scooter and jumped up to give him a kiss.

Hubby has been ill since July 2017 and is slowly recovering his strength hence the scooter for this walk.

From there we headed down the dirt path with two young wolves, both under 2 years of age, on leashes and pulling gently as we went. Hubby came along too on his scooter and the three volunteers and Peggy were most accommodating and helpful during this walk. The scooter doesn’t do stairs very well so two volunteers helped lift him and his scooter up one step to continue on the dirt path. We walked around the park coming to the paved road. Dirk and the Scooter were quite happy with the paved road. A discussion about which way to go back around to the parking lot resulted in Dirk, with two volunteers hanging onto the back of the scooter, went off road down a hill and made it without tipping over!

This was perhaps the high point of the adventure!

The wolves behaved themselves and we thoroughly enjoyed our time at the Garden of the Gods Park. Thank you Peggy for making this a memorable occasion for us both!

Photos Courtesy of Colorado Wolf Adventures

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