Soulmates Traveling

About the Soulmates

Wow this is something!

For years we have talked about being a collaborative team for travel writing, photography, and copywriting. But who is the writer and who is the photographer? Judy and Dirk both do each, albeit styleistically differently.

Soulmates in Switzerland

Does it really matter which of us does which?

Well, one might think not. However, with different styles that appeal to different readers… well it may matter, at least on an article by article or audience by audience basis. So something we will need to keep an eye on.

So how about these two? Judy (a journalist by training) and Dirk (a Marine Ecologist/Systems Safety Engineer) have been collaborating on many things and for more than 40 years. They met in college in 1976 on the Fencing team. Their relationship grew and they married in 1978. So this year they celebrate their 40th continuous year of married (and 42 overall) collaboration! This wonderful partnership has resulted in two beautiful children (who went to college on fencing scholarships… go figure) and 3 (so far) grandchildren. Judy and Dirk worked together to rescue the The Fencing Center in San Jose and lead them to national titles in the ’90’s. and now that Judy and Dirk have both retired from their most recent careers, Judy a Financial Advisor and Dirk A Systems/Systems Safety Engineering Lead in the Missile Defense arena, they are starting in on a new collaborative venture; that of travel/copy writers and photographers. While if this venture becomes a commercial success that will be great. The very act of working together to a common goal doing things we love is reward enough. And… if others can benefit from what we have done/are doing… well all the better.

So kicking things off we are drawing on our past travel experiences. Some recent and some a little less so. We will be looking locally for adventures of interest e.g. Northern Nevada where we currently have settled is full of fascinating opportunities like Balloon Races, Rocky Mountain Oyster Fry’s, Ski excursions, Camel Races, outdoor adventures and many many places to experiment with one’s palate. One thing is certain, however, as you can tell from our home page, our travel reach will extend globally, and won’t be limited to just local excursions. This is after all for our own satisfaction and, ideally, that of the audience and client base we hope to develop.



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